Today La Petite Pétra has 18 book titles, publishes bilingual educational materials in 5 languages.

La Petite Pétra was selected as part of the MIT University Learning without borders initiative for the Creole-English program.

La Petite Pétra’s Spanish-English series was also selected by Encantos World, the company behind an award-winning cartoon on Nick Junior, to be featured in their new mobile application which was released in the Fall 2021.

La Petite Pétra’s title The Coronavirus Explained for Kids was nominated in the World Literacy Awards for the “significant contribution to literacy in response to the pandemic” award.

La Petite Petra was selected as the recipient of the Association of Black Cardiologists 2021 COVID 19 Innovation Award and will be releasing its very two cartoons in early 2022 which objective is to address the effects of the pandemic in vulnerable group.

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